Thursday, March 6, 2014

Land Search Update

Have you ever wished for something, got your wish, then realized that what you had in the first place was actually better? Yeah, me too. I've done a lot of that throughout my life. Always wanting something better. More, more, more! You'd think I would have learned by now, but apparently the lessons are not over.

Last October, I started searching for a new place to live. It was an exciting and interesting process that took me in a lot of different directions. I met some new people and learned a lot along the way. I especially learned a lot about myself thanks to a few dear friends that helped guide me along, keeping me on track.

My search led me to a 70+ acre parcel of raw land, surrounded by hundreds of acres of more raw land. Exactly what I had wanted, right? Or was it. Wait a minute, why did I want to move again? What was I looking for exactly? This place was beautiful and wild and essentially untouched, but also very remote, and I would be very isolated. I would have very few visitors. I would be snowed in deep in the Winter. And I would have to "up my game" significantly. Four-wheel drive. A gun in case of bear. Water from the stream. And although the idea of living there was a little exciting, I mainly felt apprehension.

I'm going to visit that spot one more time, and wander more, and try to get a better feel for it. I won't make a final decision until I do that, but I sure did like getting back home to "civilization" after visiting that spot, and I'm having serious second thoughts on the whole matter.

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